Monday, May 11, 2015

postheadericon PhotoCrush

In the 17 years since buying my first digital camera, I have accumulated digital photos by the thousands.  It is just SOOO easy to snap as many as 10 shots of something to be sure you get the best...then have trouble deleting the rejects.  You might NEED those imperfect shots sometime.  Besides, what grandma can delete even fuzzy shots of those grandchildren?  I have a 2T external hard drive and a 1T for back up.  Still, I feel there are just too many photos and I can't always find what I want.

The photos are identified automatically by date: (year-month-day).  Even when I enhance with Adobe Light Room, that identification remains basically the same.  The photos then are organized into folders for the day inside a folder for the month inside a folder for the year.

So what are my organizational problems?

Well, first, unless I know the date on which a photo was taken, I have to go through months, maybe years of photos.  I would like to be able to find an older photo more easily.

The second is far too many photos.  I need to cull them down to a manageable number.

The third problem is how to file photos from other people, mostly my daughter's photos of her family taken from email or Facebook.  They aren't identified like mine by date or any other code I can crack.

So I signed up for a free course from Jennifer Wilson of  Simple Scrapper called PhotoCrush. I hope to find some answers to my photo organizational problems. 


About Me

Forty Years of Scrapping

Long before it was popular, I was trying to decorate arrangements of photos and sentimental items. Here I want to share some of my personal history and more important, some ideas I have gleaned from more than 40 years of scrapping.


A granny with a camera and a computer

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