Friday, July 18, 2014

postheadericon The End of Decade with DSP (Digital Scrapbook Place)

I just loved this photo of Gabby looking at the waves on the beach near Sebastian.

I have not done much scrapping since the Digital Scrapbook Place defaulted to a different owner who then sold it to another scrapbooking company who then closed the site down.  There was a very close group of members, many in a forum called The Grannies. Many met weekly with various designers in the chat room.  They tried to stay together and loosely formed a couple of groups on Facebook, but it isn't the same.  No more making a nice fresh hot cup of coffee and sitting down to see what was going on in my favorite forums.  Now I go to Facebook, but, other than the local memories group, there isn't much.  I have lost the day-to-day goings on with my friends.  Several ladies I considered very close friends seem to have disappeared altogether.


Tora´s Vintage Dream said...

I love this layout LL. I hope we will never loos contact you and I my "mom"
Love you.

Alice said...

I love this , LL,, And, I miss our little group.

Forget Me Nots Design said...

Sorry to hear they are closed too. My two places, Heritage Scrap and Two Peas In A Bucket have closed as well. Sigh...

About Me

Forty Years of Scrapping

Long before it was popular, I was trying to decorate arrangements of photos and sentimental items. Here I want to share some of my personal history and more important, some ideas I have gleaned from more than 40 years of scrapping.


A granny with a camera and a computer

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